Let me just say to start this whole thing off that I have a lot going on here. Some of it has to do with things that have been happening-- you know, the normal (or not so) goings on of life.
Other things are my very personal opinions about things. I've always told my school kids not to ask me something if they don't want to know the truth. I don't have a Krispy Kreme sign over my head. I don't know how or have a desire to learn how to sugarcoat the truth. It's just not me.
So fair warning-- You may not want to read past this point. If you do, please remember that these are MY thoughts and MY opinions. I have no desire to be talked out of either :)
So anyway...
1. I can't talk. Seriously. My voice is gone. I don't feel really bad...just can't talk. In some ways this is a plus. The girls at the gym are very quiet because -- well, they have to be if they want to hear me :) But Carsyn is a different story. She SCREAMS at me because she doesn't like my new quietness. This frustration, on top of her cold and ear infection and a cough medicine that has her so hyper she can't stand it, has led to A LOT of screaming!!! I thought it was funny the other day when Mama called me on the house phone--the house phone, now-- and told me I needed to move around because she could hear only every other word. Not the phone, Mama. That was me :)
2. We have the sweetest little gymnasts competing right now! And they are doing so well!!! It's just so fun to see them at such a young age learning about being a team and cheering each other on. And we learn lots of things!! Funny story from today: One of our little girls announced that she has a boyfriend-- a wonderful boyfriend--one who NEVER does anything wrong. He doesn't even dig in the garbage!! Ha!
3. I think that people need to have some kind of wake up call about the clothes they wear. And the underwear they wear. This observation comes after several trips to Wal Mart. NOTE: Just because something is hanging on the rack and you have the money to buy it does not mean it will look good on you!! I almost wonder if, instead of a Wal Mart greeter, there needs to be someone at the door to make sure people look presentable. Now listen, I'm not talking about the man who's been working and comes in to pick up something, or the couple who are painting their house and need one more gallon of paint. I'm talking about the woman wearing white shorts (in February) with a lime green thong.Or the man shopping in Scooby Doo pajama pants. Or the girl walking around in flip flops with filthy toenails. I believe underwear and pajamas need to have a notice attached to the price tag: NOTICE--This item is sold with the intention of being hidden underneath other clothing or worn only at home. But then, that probably wouldn't help either. You just can't fix ... well, you know.
4. Now, I may step on toes here. Refer to paragraph #3 if you start getting angry. Or, you could quit reading. No difference to me...
First of all, there are many good things about Facebook. I am able to stay in touch with friends, family, and former students. I have a business page that allows those same people and others to order items from me--a free advertising page. I learn of prayer requests, events, and praise reports through Facebook. But Facebook is NOT the place to play out your relationship drama. I should not have to explain that statement. Over and over I see people declaring undying love for a person or expressing the blessings God has given them through their family. Those same people can, in less than a day, declare said Love of My Life the spawn of Satan and curse the mother they have been given. Really? Seriously? You know the things you write and the pictures you post ... they cannot be permanently removed. What? You didn't know that? Uh oh...
And speaking of pictures... OhMyGumdrops!!! I cannot BELIEVE some of the pictures I see. Most (but not all) of the pictures I speak of are posted by younger people. I understand there may be a maturity issue, but really, somebody needs to speak out about this. Let's say that somebody posts a picture of a couple kissing. Now that doesn't sound too bad. A friend caught a random shot of a sweet kiss. Or a photographer shared a picture of a wedding or an engagement picture. But no...that's not what I mean. You post a picture that YOU take yourself of said kiss. How does that happen, exactly? I mean, how into the kiss are you really if you are, at the same time, trying to hold your phone at just the right angle to get the picture? And if it doesn't turn out, or you cut your head off, what then? "Oh, wow, that didn't work. Let's try again." And if you DO get the picture, do you really want all your family and friends to see you with a tongue rammed down your throat? Just a thought, people: if those around you and the love of your life can't tell how you feel about each other without seeing physical evidence...well, you might want to reevaluate that relationship. You are welcome to disagree (refer to paragraph #3), but, just so you know, I'm right about this.
I believe that is all right now. Next time I may get on my soapbox about something else...or I may share a really good recipe. Who knows?