Friday, November 19, 2010

Disappearing People and Their Prey

Hunting season starts tomorrow. Gone are the days when normal men wear attractive clothes in beautiful colors. We are now entering the time period in which most men will wrap themselves in shades of variegated greens and imitate the nearest tree or shrub. Suddenly, during this time of year, the only fashionable clothes many men wear are branded Mossy Oak or something comparable. Clothes shopping is done at Bass Pro, the hunting section at Wal Mart, Cabela's, or sporting goods stores. Women aren't even allowed to use Gain or Tide -- they have to buy special laundry detergent that covers up the human scent. Even worse, the cologne of the next few months will be premium doe pee. No self-respecting buck could possibly let all this preparation go unheeded, could he? Surely he will be willing to sacrifice himself and his harem for the chance to live for eternity on someone's wall. I surely hope so...if all our men are going to make themselves smelly and invisible, the least they deserve is a trophy for the wall.

Best of luck Josh and David (my two very favorite hunters)!

Best of luck to all you hunters!

Best of luck to any of you looking for your may not be able to pick him out of the shrubbery!

Deer Hunting Time Is Here Again

Deer hunting time is here again

And many hunters take to the woods

After months of planning with family and friends

They gather in common brotherhood

It's a freedom that fills the soul of a man

With the peace of God's nature all around

Lessons that have been taught since time began

And lifelong memories and friendships are found

Hunting is taught by tradition still yet

Knowledge passed on from man to man

And you'll learn things that you'll never forget

And respect nature more, our wildlife, and our land

So all you hunters enjoy this time

May you be skilled and have lots of luck

May God bless you as you hunt today

And may you bag that ten point buck! !
                                            Kat West

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