Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gremlins in the House!!!

Gremlins...that's the ONLY possible explanation for what happened last night. As I left the gym, I made sure to pick up my cellphone. I don't have good service at home, but can get texts and that number is the one I give my students. Almost as soon as I got in the truck, I got a text...

I arrived home 30 minutes later. Robbie is at the river for the rest of  the week, so I was unloading the truck by myself (actually, I usually unload by myself...but I digress). I got my purse. I got my computer case. I got the bag with my school clothes. As soon as I got in the house I fed Chiclet, the 5 pound ,6 inch tall guard dog. I got settled, and then realized I needed to send a text about ads in the Miss CCA program. No phone. No problem...I must have left it in the truck. Back out to the truck to phone. Hmmmm...back in the house to retrace steps... I had stopped in the laundry room to feed Chiclet, so I looked phone. Just inside the kitchen door I had laid my keys on the phone. Next I went to the dining room to check the phone. Thinking I had left it in my gym pants pocket, I resorted to digging through the clothes phone. Imagine how ridiculous I must have looked to the fireflies and dogs as I went back outside to the truck. This time I took Robbie's brand new, superduper LED worklight with me. I went over the inside of the truck and all around it with the light...radioactive-like glow emitting from the truck. I get tickled just thinking about it. I found my sense of humor. I did not find my phone. Back in the my cell from the house phone.

So this morning, I made plans to call at&t and cancel my phone. Obviously, someone had been lurking outside and, when I came in, he snagged my phone. I know how ridiculous that sounds, but NO PHONE could be found!!

I picked up Grace and she played happily in the back with her mp3 player and Leapster. Suddenly, about 20 miles from school, the phone started ringing!!! Then the "doorbell" indicating a text message started sounding!! "Grace, where is that coming from??" "I don't know, ZiZi! I promise I don't have the phone!" I wasn't accusing her, but I could NOT find the phone. Once we got to school, I went on a search. Looking as ridiculous as I did last night, I stood on my head to find the phone ...and there it was -- underneath the PASSENGER seat, W AY BACK toward the back! How in the world did that happen? I already told you.

It's gremlins.

1 comment:

Casey said...

Gremlins sounds about right to me!