Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weather and the Radios That Let You Know

Last night was a stormy night. We had power outages, lightning, and high winds. On the way to school, Grace and I saw trees down and limbs everywhere.

Let me just say that normally last night's weather provides nature's sleeping pill for me. The sound of the wind on a tin roof is ahhhhh--mazing. It was the kind of night that would have left me rested and refreshed. But no. Not this time-- all because I did what was, in hindsight, an incredibly stupid thing and gave Robbie a weather radio for Christmas. Bad mistake.

The logic behind a weather radio is that the owner will be made aware of bad weather and have time to prepare. What is not made clear is that the warning sounds like an emergency vehicle with sirens on IN THE HOUSE. "Jolted from a deep sleep" took on a whole new meaning last night. And get this: the radio usually stays in the living room. But not last night. Nooooooo. Robbie brought it in, fresh batteries installed, and put it RIGHT BESIDE THE BED. We were aware of high winds in Wilcox county and tornado warnings in Perry county. We heard of damaging storms and trees down in Georgia. We did not sleep.

So be forewarned: if you want to be aware of the weather, buy a weather radio. Install it far away from your bedroom. Don't worry; it'll wake you up anyway.

Funny Quote: On the way to school we saw a huge tree that had been literally uprooted. I said, "Oooh Grace, look at that big tree!" She said, "Now that's a tree you could stump your toe on, ZiZi."

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