Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Happy, happy news!!! I FINALLY figured out my blogger password!! Yay!! It was an older account and I thought it was gone forever! Oh, my goodness! I'm sooooo excited!! ( I know I have to update my picture, but I had to have one that had all of the babies in it!)

Now, on to the important stuff...

First, for Mama:

How awesome is it that we have a special day to celebrate our mothers?? Isn't that just perfect? I think so. Sometimes days go by...sadly, even weeks...that we don't have a chance to really sit and talk. Life has us just passing by, calling to get a question answered, setting up babysitting help, but not really taking time to say all the important things. A day like Mother's Day (and Father's Day later on) gives all of us the opportunity to celebrate the mothers in our life.

This morning I was looking through some images, and I found one that was just perfect for my feelings about Mama. Many times I've said that I want to grow up to be like Mama and Daddy. Look!!! I have hope!! I's in the Bible,'s happening, y'all.
I truly do want to wish Mama a happy Mother's Day. I remember once when she was taking care of Zack and she got a pan of water to wash his little feet before they went back in. Zack said, "Oh, Nannie, you look just like Jesus." What a precious thing to say, but it's oh so true. Mama has the kindest, gentlest, most sacrificial spirit. I go to her for advice, for support, to see how she would handle things, to tell my funnies, to ask for prayer, for babysitting help...for everything. For all you do and all you are, Mama, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!

Next, my other mama...

Robbie's mother, my mother-in-love, has taken me on as her own daughter and loved me unconditionally. We had an awesome day yesterday. We, just the two of us (first time in 37 years) spent a whole day shopping for her. She told me early on that I had one job: find stuff and bring it to her to try on. Her job was to try on and pick what she liked. Ha! That system worked perfectly! If I had a fitbit, I think it might would have exploded yesterday. The highlight of the day was when she decided she really should have gotten a shirt she put back. I ran back in the store to pick it up from the "I am not getting this so you can put it back" rack...and IT WASN'T THERE!! Nooo!! So I started frantically searching for the table where I had seen in...and then I saw a lady carrying it around. I ran her down...she was quick...and noticed her name tag. Thank the Lord she was an employee, but I was not above asking a random person if I could have it back. Got the shirt, checked it out, and back to the truck I went. Win!!  

She also helps with the babies if our schedules mean that we need a little backup with babysitting. Our grands truly are the joy of her life, and they are all so lucky to have her! girls

I am not sure that words can truly express how proud I am of my girls and the mothers they are. All of them are hard working, dedicated mothers who absolutely put their children first in every way. They bless us with allowing us to spend time with the children, and they bless us by being the strong mothers they are. All of them have been through tough times and good times and hard times and hilarious times...and all of them continue to amaze us with their resilience and God-given talent for raising their children. 

Lauren is the daughter God blessed us with at birth, and Vicki and Kandace are the daughers God blessed us with through our sons. We love each one of you, and we love you BIG. We pray for each of you daily in all ways and in everything you do, especially in the raising of your sweet babies. Carsyn and Clay, Grace and Asher, and Dylan, Daniel, and Kaylee are precious and growing so fast, and we are so proud to have you three sweet mamas leading them as they grow. Happy Mother's Day to my sweet girls!

And in the end, all that I've said about all these amazing women can be summed up in 24 words...

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