Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Just My Thoughts

I generally use Facebook and Blogger to share the funny stuff of life. This one is a little out of my comfort zone. I'm not going to debate with anyone, but just wanted to share my convictions.

**This is not a political post**

Several years ago, I felt a really strong conviction to pray for our leaders. It didn't matter if I had voted for these particular people or not...I was to pray for them in their capacity as a leader. I prayed for everything from leadership at home, school, and church to state and federal leaders. I'm sure it wasn't a coincidence that at about that same time, a Bible study I was listening to had much to say about our willingness to be obedient and respectful of our leaders. God is, after all, completely in control...even of the leaders you and I may or may not have voted for.

In this history-making time, I have felt a need to revisit those feelings and important parts of that study. Sometimes, we don't see the abundance of work that has gone on behind the scenes. Sometimes, the leaders make suggestions that mess with our plans. How dare they ask us to stay away from others over Spring Break? How dare our leaders tell us not to be in crowds? How dare they suggest that play dates are not a good idea? How dare they act as if God can't take care of this virus?

It's taken me a lot of years to see that God is in complete control of EVERYTHING, and he uses many methods to show that control. We don't get to choose how we are healed in any situation. Sometimes, we wear glasses to heal our eyes...glasses God makes available to us. Sometimes, we take life-saving medicine for diabetes or high blood pressure or cancer or...goodness, what a list this could be...medicine God makes available to us. And, sometimes, our healing takes place on the other side of this life. But here on earth, the "doctor-oriented" healing is STILL given to us by God. He uses the doctors and expects us to follow instructions.

Over the last few days, I've read about an amazing movement. Christians are anointing their doors and tying red ribbons on the doorknob.I absolutely love it. It's a reference to the tenth plague in Egypt when Moses was sent to lead the Israelites out after four hundred years in captivity. Those who had the blood of the lamb over the door would be passed over by the death angel.

So...and I know you are ready for me to get to my point...this morning, this thought came to me: What if the Israelites had said, "God knows where I live. It'll be fine." Or "I already had plans made for tonight. We will be ok. We're right in the middle of all the other Israelites. He can't miss us." Or "Really?? Right now? I JUST sacrificed a lamb last week. And now I'm to do it again?" Or "God is bigger than the Egyptians. I'm sure he knows where my house is. I'm not worried."

I'm convinced a major point of God's decree at that time was OBEDIENCE. God told his leader, Moses, what to tell his people, and Moses obeyed. God expected complete obedience from his people and they obeyed. We all know the great miracle that came about because of their obedience!

I'm not a medical professional. I'm not a scientist or researcher who has been working behind the scenes. But I am a Christian who knows the importance of faith and obedience. If we will only listen and obey, we will have our own Big Miracle Story to tell...the pandemic that we stopped in its tracks in 2020.

Or, we can keep ignoring the danger and disregard our leaders. Let's not talk about where that is likely to lead us

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