Wednesday, July 27, 2011

One Item Checked Off the Bucket List!!!

We have new floors!!! Yeah!!! Happy dance happening now! Oh, wait... maybe not now. Too sore for that.
Maybe tomorrow...

So anyway, if you've read my blog before, you know that new flooring has been an important issue. Actually, it was an issue that we had stopped talking about because it never got done. NEVER.

And then, a few days ago, a sale at Home Depot! Yeah we went! Yes we got flooring! And it's down!!!

I'm so excited. Even though I hurt all over. My hair even hurts.

This epic event did not happen easily, let me tell you. In addition to the LOOOOOOOOOOONG wait for it to happen, some meanies tried to get in the way of our adventure of DIY flooring. There's one I just HAVE to tell you about.

Ok, so Sunday we went to church, ate after church, and went to Jonathan's birthday party. We left the party to hurry to Montgomery and buy the laminate flooring. We got up Monday, I went to gymnastics, and Robbie started preparing everything. Monday night we went to Marvin's.

This is where the meanies come in.

FYI: If you put down laminate flooring, you are supposed to put a foam underlayment on the existing floor. We didn't have enough. Hence the trip to Marvin's.

So we go into Marvin's. Flooring section found--check. Underlayment found--check. Price on underlayment choices--no check.

At Robbie's request, I went to the counter at the front to ask if she could help or call someone to come give some assistance.

And THIS is the answer I got:
"I can call someone, but they are all REALLY REALLY busy. It'll probably be a long time before they come."

Did I forget to mention here that ours was the only car in the parking lot and they were only open 35 more minutes?

After I picked my jaw up from the floor, I asked if SHE could help me.

And THIS is what I got:
"I can help if you bring it HERE, but I can't leave my post."

Ok.Fine. So off I go to get the rolls of underlayment so she can give me prices. On my way, a very nice man who did not appear to be busy at all (in fact, he sort of looked like he was wandering around) asked if he could help me. He did. I took three rolls to the counter.

**Just remember that the prices were not it? You can see what's coming, right?

So Miss I Cannot Leave My Post does the thing I asked for. SHE CALLS FOR HELP!!!! I kid you not. Because of course she could not leave her "post" to find the prices.

Here comes her help (same kind man who wandered aimlessly into helping me). Robbie and I had made ourselves comfortable at the patio tables for sale.

Words cannot describe the look on her face when she was told that all the information--prices, length, everything we wanted to know--was highlighted in a notebook chained to the counter AT HER POST!! She never had to leave or call in the first place!!

Thank goodness the help we got from Daddy and Mr. Greg was much, much better! One thing checked off my bucket to choose another item. Hmmm...

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