's been FOREVER since I've had a chance to post!! Not that I haven't had plenty to say; I just haven't had time to say it. There have been nights I've gone to bed...make that FALLEN into bed...and then said to myself, "Awww, I didn't post. I'll do it tomorrow." Well, better late than never, right?
When I left school on December 16th, my break from school officially began. And then another job started. I'm amazed at how much sewing and crafting I got done. Completely missed my self-set deadline of Tuesday, but I got it done. Four suitcases, three tote bags, five scarfs, forty rolls of toilet tissue, baby pants, two market baskets, eight towels, three throws, four sweatshirts, five platters, a glass dish, two snack takers, a dozen handerchiefs, about one hundred pot holder/ dish towel/ apron sets, a Christmas onesie, a set of seat covers -- you get the idea. I was TIRED by Christmas Eve...and we still had wrapping to do!
Casey helped wrap some, but I think we intimidated her!! Who else wraps every tiny little thing? Probably no one, but it's so much fun to watch the kids open their gifts. So Robbie and I wrapped and wrapped and wrapped. Then he went to town for last minute items while I wrapped. Then we wrapped some more. Finally about 3:00 Christmas Eve afternoon, we called it quits. Robbie's parents were coming to Lauren's for our family Christmas, and I wanted some time to make candy and get ready.
The candy I made was the easiest ever, and so good (you have no idea how that surprises my family--I made it, and it was good-- almost unheard of). I melted an entire brick of white almond bark and stirred in a box of Golden Grahams cereal (thanks Lisa Turner for sharing). It was FABULOUS!! So was supper. Lauren went all out with dressing, dumplings, ham... oh, my gosh, it was wonderful!! Everyone enjoyed spending time together and opening gifts. Then it was back to wrapping (I didn't say we were finished...I said we called it quits).
We came home and hauled the wrapped gifts to our house. Then we packed up the unwrapped gifts and paper and brought them to the house to finish wrapping. I lost count of the times I counted, and counted, and counted. Each person has to have the exact same number of gifts, and the stacks have to look very close to the same size. And then...we had one too many for everyone!! And they wouldn't wrap easily!! What to do? So Robbie had a brilliant idea: Put numbers on the extra gifts, give the matching number to the recipient, and have them go match it up. BRILLIANT!! Except I forgot to make the numbers. And we slept late. And the kids were already here when I remembered. But I got it done and it was a wonderful way to end the gifting. Nice job, Robbie :)
I LOVE the way our kids receive gifts. They are always so excited and show it in their own little ways. Vicki and Lauren were so excited over their printers, and Vicki was super surprised about her mixer. Josh will be hunting and fishing on the wii, and David was over- the- top excited about his waders and ladder stand. Grace has her own suitcase and a weaving set, and a real digital camera, while Carsyn is outfitted for a WHILE with diapers, wipes, and learning toys. Opening gifts is a LONG process at our house. Lauren insists that we open one at a time, with her being the last-- that way it lasts longer. Each person is expected to open and display his gift before moving on. Grace, bless her heart, just could NOT wait. She wanted to be first, but as soon as her turn was over, she went ahead and got her next present "started." Too funny!!
And then we were off to Mama and Daddy's. I love Christmas there, but I was a little worried this year because Mama and Daddy had both been sick. No worries, though -- they both pulled it off without a hitch! We don't do presents for everyone because of the number of people in the family and the fact that we are all blessed to have everything we need. So instead, Mama and Daddy fix about forty bags filled with all kinds of goodies -- useful, funny, unusual, sentimental. We all choose a bag and then the trading begins. It is hilarious to watch! Travis wins the prize for being the trade boss...he was amazing! And David traded people out of six bags of pecans--some in return for a pecan pie. I got one of Big Mama's potholders. Everyone had a roll of embroidered toilet tissue in the bag, and you cannot imagine how quickly that got some people trading. Imagine an Alabama fan pulling out a roll of War Eagle tissue! It was just too funny!!
Then last night, Robbie and I went to get Dylan, Daniel, and Kaylee. Casey (again the angel helper) had helped me get their gifts wrapped and out to the house. We came in to the twinkling trees and three big stacks of presents. Perhaps I should mention here that each child gets his own wrapping paper every year. I thought this was perfect--Dylan got his favorite Ironman paper, Daniel's was wrapped in Spider Man paper, and Kaylee got Tinkerbell. Perfect, right? One would think. So Dylan comes in and says, "Look, ZiZi, I want the Ironman pile! Can I have it?" Then Daniel: "ThiThi, I want the Tinkerbell paper ok? Thay Yeth or No." Well, if I had let him open the Tinkerbell paper, he would have had Barbie dolls and high heels, and doll strollers! So I showed him the Spider Man paper, and he decided that would be ok. All of them were so excited with their Leapsters and games. Kaylee got a kitchen and it almost killed us! The pieces were numbered THREE tiimes through the alphabet! A-Z, AA-ZZ, and AB, AC, etc. I wondered if we would ever make it to get it together, but this morning the cooking started on a fully-put-together kitchen.
We are still not done. This weekend we will have the children again to visit their great-grandparents and exchange with Grace. I think I can safely say that those visits will conclude Christmas 2010. It's been a little stretched out, but that just goes to show that Christmas is a season, not a day.
This Christmas has been filled with work, fun, humor, joy, and gifts. It has also had its sadness. Christmas will never go by that we do not miss Robert more than words can say. Knowing that he would love the way his children enjoyed Christmas is a comfort. Amazingly, it has snowed several times already this year -- once in February and at least twice in December. If you know the weather story on the day of
Robert's funeral, you will understand why the snow is especially meaningful for us. I could not help but hold out my hand Sunday to catch the snow as I looked up and said, "Well, hello, BoBo, and Merry Christmas."
Quotes of the day: The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.
Burton Hillis
To live in hearts we leave behind
Is not to die.
~Thomas Campbell, Hallowed Ground