Sunday, March 13, 2011

Technically Speaking...

Disclaimer: This post will cover a LOT of ground...just fair warning :)

There has been so much to go on this week...goodness, I don't even know where to start! Lots of things this week don't match up with what I would normally think or do (hence the title).

1. Carsyn went to school with me some this week. Technically speaking, she is not a CCA student. That didn't stop the kids from falling in love with her, or the teachers from fighting over her, or Grace from getting some sneaky sugar at the water fountain.

2. Early this week, Grace and I arrived at school...the first ones on find that the school had been "pranked." Looked a lot more like vandalism to me. Poor Grace -- she was the first one to see it and it really scared her. Desks turned over and tied together; garbage scattered everywhere; cups of water all over the hall; lockers opened and tied together. Technically speaking, no huge damage was done. Realistically speaking, the teachers and most other students found the whole thing rude, crude, socially unacceptable, and a very literal insult to those of us who work for very nearly nothing.

3. Friday Kandace called to tell me her new baby, Landen (5 months old) had been transferred to Children's Hospital in Birmingham. She needed help with Dylan, Daniel, and Kaylee, and she was worried about Landen. Technically speaking, Landen is not my grandchild. He is, however, the brother of my babies. How in the world could I not care about him and his family? Thankfully, he is better tonight. My prayer is that he will continue to improve.

4. Little Miss CCA was Saturday night, and it couldn't come a moment too soon for Grace! She was GORGEOUS!! There were 44 contestants, and let me tell you, nobody could have paid me to be a judge! Grace had practiced every day and was just so excited to get to dress up and get on stage. Technically speaking, she did not place (because the judges were silly, she said).  However, in our eyes, she was absolutely the winner!!

5. I woke up with a start at 6:18 this morning. Technically speaking, it was 7:18 because the time changed last night. And I was supposed to pick the kids up at 8:30. And it is almost an hour's drive. And my gas tank was empty. And now my checking account is too! Gas prices are a killer!

6. Kandace called me as I was returning from church--another emergency in their family. Chyenne was at her daddy's in McKenzie and he had been admitted to the hospital for emergency surgery. The simplest solution was for me to go get her. Technically speaking, she is not my grandchild, but we are ZiZi and PopPop to her as well. She had a ball driving the golf cart, playing ball, and jumping on the trampoline. I think it made Robert's kids feel better too. They are a little misput with their mama being gone.

7. Kaylee has been asking to go to bed since 4:30. Technically speaking, that is not an appropriate bedtime. She's sound asleep after a good, fun, peaceful bath (she doesn't get many of those here).

8. Tomorrow is Monday, the start of a new work week and the last week before Spring Break (my fingers actually DANCED over those keys). Technically speaking, I usually hate Mondays. But I like any Monday that signifies the last week before a well-deserved break.

9. I have sewing to do...another Etsy sale! Yeah!! Technically speaking, that is another job. However, I look at it as an opportunity for what I happily called "thread therapy."

10. Technically speaking, I have the most wonderful family in the world. That does not mean they don't mess up sometimes. That just simply allows an opportunity for some kind of penance...groveling, sackcloth and ashes, appropriate gifts/chores/make up work...technically speaking, of course.

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