Friday, June 3, 2011

I'm a Slacker

I am officially a slacker.

This is by far the saddest thing I have ever said about myself, but there you go. I'm a slacker. I'm pretty sure I can't even remember the last time I blogged. Let me go check...

Ok, I'm back.


It's been forever. It is impossible to catch up on everything, so let me first begin by saying that every week day since school has been out is a carbon copy of this day.

There have been some variations went to the river for Memorial Day weekend (had a great time); we've been swimming (average twice a day); I went with Lauren to Montgomery for birthday shopping (Carsyn's...out of the planning stage into the doing stage).

Worthy news: We had VBS at Sweet Home the first week out of school. We had a BLAST!! (That was also the theme -- Beach Blast.) The kids were awesome, the planning was wonderful, and the week went off without a hitch. Great job VBS planners/workers/attendees!!!

In news very close to my heart, Dylan had two big events in that same week. On May 25th, he graduated kindergarten. Oh, how sweet he was!!! The little boy who had such trouble in his first school at the beginning of the year received all kinds of awards, including MOST IMPROVED IN LANGUAGE ARTS!! Yeah, he knows his way to ZiZi's heart :)  On a sad note, he was not anxious AT ALL to hug and kiss us after graduation because...get this... his GIRLFRIENDS from high school were waiting for him!! What!! Another flashback to his daddy!! I could not help but remember Robert's "chictionary" where he kept the names and numbers of all the girls he met...and he was in the 6th grade!

On Friday, Dylan had surgery to repair a hernia. Robbie and I met Dylan, Kandace, his cousin, and his grandparents in Birmingham on Thursday night. Dylan and Kandace ended up spending the night in our room because bed space was short in their room. He got a good night's sleep and was such a big boy all day. He so reminded me of Lauren when everybody began to try to wake him up..."Leave me alone!!" (said with flailing arms and whining). He finally did wake up, drank some water, and went to the bathroom. We pulled him out in a wagon (I had to hold his head up on the way out so he wouldn't fall over and hit the side.) He slept all the way home and through the night. He's doing great. Such a big boy!!

My class at craft time (and that's Lauren, my sweet daughter)

We had good food every night

Our "babies" did a great job working at VBS

I don't have pics of all the workers yet :)

Little Man Dylan at his graduation...isn't he sooooo handsome???

I wanted to put pictures of Memorial Day weekend on here, but alas, none available.
Maybe later.

Now it's later...Lauren to the rescue :)

Rescuing a baby bird

Boat ride

For more on this weekend, click here.

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