Monday, May 28, 2012

End of the School Year...And Beginning of Summer!

Goodness gracious, the end of this year was sooooo different! For the past 20+ years I have been wrapped up in Senior Awards Day, Class Day, Baccalaureate, and Graduation. Although I stayed in touch and helped out, it was certainly not previous years.

The seniors asked if I could help a little on Class Day, and I was glad to. They did such a good job!!! Their cute skits and ability to make fun of themselves was the perfect tone for Class Day. The next week was full of graduations and ceremonies. Lauren, Ashley, and I went to Richelle's graduation on Monday night. Mama, Carsyn, and I went to see Kaylee get her certificate for this year (she will stay in her preschool another year because of her birthday) on Tuesday morning,  and then Lauren and I went to Ashley's graduation on Tuesday night. Wednesday morning, Mama, Carsyn, and I went to Dylan's awards day, and then Daniel's kindergarten graduation immediately following. I'm sure this arrangement worked well for the school. It did not work quite as well for anyone managing a near-2-year-old. The mistake was probably mine. I said, "Let's go in the gym and watch Daniel." Carsyn misunderstood "gym." She spent the morning doing arabesques, walking on the "beam" (the lines on the court), and doing flips on the gym floor. And then, three minutes out of the parking lot, she was sound asleep. And she slept all the way home.

That's when the real fun began...Carsyn woke up when we got home, started to play, and suddenly started throwing up. Helloooooo, tummy virus. She was pitiful. I babied her. We stayed outside most of the afternoon, nearly naked and with a waterhose handy (not for her, silly- for the porch). I decided to hold onto Big Mama's declaration that a person cannot get sick from family.

And I held that notion until about 2:00 A.M.

Big Mama was right about a lot of things.

 This was not one of them :)

By Friday I was feeling much better and Grace came to stay with us. She was such fun!! I was just cracking up all day at the things she said. Lauren sent a text after I shared some things on facebook: "Ought to be a fun summer." Yes indeed, it will be fun!

Friday afternoon, Robbie and I left for a weekend at the river. I'm here to tell you, that is one peaceful place! Well, the six miles of dirt road getting there...not so peaceful. In fact, I posted this on facebook: "Sometimes when we are driving down---barreling down---careening down this river road, I can't decide if I want to keep my eyes open and see what's going to kill me, or close my eyes and die in ignorance. Hmmm..."

Anyone who knows our place on the river knows that the men believe that the way to get there is to hit just the tops of the bumps on the road---whether you can see through the red clay dust ahead of you or not. Several times I felt like I might have a heart attack. But all was well. We fished early and late (Robbie and I are both hot natured and cooking out on the open river is just not what we wanted to do). We did a few things around the house and yard, worked on the boat, picked up a few things in town, rested, cooked yummy stuff, and stayed cool as much as we could. Then we came home and made a brand new item for ZiZi's!! Rod covers! They are awesome, and Robbie was a lot of help.

So now, Memorial Day is over and the work week starts tomorrow. Carsyn will be up early, and Josh is dropping Grace off as he goes to work. We should have a blast!!

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