Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rambling Randomosity...

--Yesterday I saw that a young mother and her child were killed in a car accident south of Troy. The mom died on site; the baby, 15 months old, was air lifted to UAB and died there. My heart breaks for the husband/daddy, for her parents, and for all her family and friends. I have not been able to get the accident off my mind...just too close to home right  now. I am praying for our family.

--Carsyn is going to be going to school with me a good bit. The kids and faculty LOVE her -- and she loves them as long as I'm not visible :)  I don't know how many times I said, "If you want her, just take her and walk away." She had a ball, but I'm pretty sure she was worn out at the end of the day.

--I shipped my first Etsy store sale today, and I'm nervous!! I know that's weird, but for everything else I've made, I've been able to see the person's reaction when it was presented. I won't this one, but I sure hope she likes it!! I sold another outfit today--a onesie with ruffles around the legs. It's so cute!!! Just think, clothes made by me being worn by children in Kentucky and New York!

--Casey is having sewing withdrawals!!! She's coming tomorrow night to help me. There's just something about sewing; after a while you just NEED to hear those machines going! It's thread therapy :)

--Grace's pageant is this weekend. She is soooo excited! I hope she has loads of fun--she's already the winner for us :) She told me the other day when she got in the truck with curly hair, "I had to sleep in a sock bun last night. You just have to do these things when you are 6 and in a pageant."

--Dylan and Kaylee have been sick, but they are feeling better. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayers!!

--I am seriously concerned that Robbie may be irreparably addicted to the DIY network (free for our viewing pleasure this month). We have watched more bath, kitchen, and yard renovations that I would have thought possible. I'll certainly let you know if he starts using any of the ideas on THIS house.

--Three days in a row we are going to bed with NO dirty dishes in the house and NO dirty clothes in the house! Woooo hooooo!! I'm so excited!!!!

--The basketball goal is UP!!! Dylan will be BEYOND excited!! Robbie cheated a tad...he poured the sackrete (sp??) in the hole and let the rain do the job of turning it to solid rock. We'll see how that turns out.

--Cute stuff from gymnastics tonight:
   Alyssa-- Miss Lisa, my skin's still coming off and mama won't take me to that room.
   Me (forgetting I had jokingly mentioned this one time)--What room, Alyssa?
   Alyssa -- The nursing room that stays open all night.
   Me-- Oh, Alyssa, you probably don't need the emergency room. Your mom's a nurse.
   Alyssa -- Well, she works in the nursing home with old people and she's 35, so I don't think she knows    much.

--This is one of the best snacks I've had lately...especially on bbq chicken day (should be an illegal lunchroom food, as should pizza, corndogs, chili dogs, and spaghetti)


Lauren said...

The Mini Reeses are to die for too!!! I've got to try the Hershey's Drops...

Lisa Williams said...

I tried those too and forgot to mention it!! They were wonderful...and NO unwrapping!

Casey said...

Thread therapy..I like that! Oh and those Hershey drops look GOOD!