Sunday, January 2, 2011

Back to Normal

Well, our plans to spend a little time by ourselves did not work out yesterday, but we enjoyed the day anyway. This morning, though, I was wide awake before 5:00. I lay there as long as I could--but I am NOT good at that-- and then I just got up and closed the door so I wouldn't disturb Robbie. I started working on getting the house back to normal--if there is a "normal" for this house. Goodness!! We had Christmas trees, toys, paper, toys, boxes, toys, shoes, toys...get the picture? So I started slowly--just one space at a time.

When Robbie got up he made his requisite pot of coffee and soon settled in to help. It was AHHHH-MAZING what we were able to get done!! We soon had to stop and get ready for church, but right after church we took a load to the storage shed, a load to the garbage, a load to the sewing house, and a load out to burn. No wonder the house was a mess!! So now, to use Lauren's new word, the house has been "de-Christmasfied." The toy box has been cleaned out and the new toys arranged. The furniture has been rearranged. There is still a lot to do, but it that weren't the case, we would just be a "magazine house," right?

I occurred to me this morning that one of the saddest sights in the world is a Christmas tree on its way down. It is definitely not the same as a Christmas tree on the way UP. On the way up, the tree is filled with possibilities. On the way down, it is just sad...all hope and usefulness gone for a whole year. Lots of things are like that I think. We do all these preparations to put an event on--a wedding, a party, graduation, Bible School--and then when it's over, all the prep has to be taken down. I have never heard a single soul say, "Whew, I'm so glad that's over. I can't wait to take all this apart."

So today I am making a strong effort to relish the "undoing" of all the work we did to get the Christmas season started. And I am going to add to my to do list this year to find joy in the "undoing" or breaking down of events or holidays. "Great," you're thinking. "She's gonna get all happy over taking down the hearts and eggs after Valentines and Easter." But I'm talking about the little things, too.

I will be happy about the clean-up that must go on after the family comes to eat, and I will enjoy the reorganization that will have to take place after the kids go home after a weekend with us. Graduation will be glorious to prepare for, but I am also going to find enjoyment in taking everything down. Taking things apart will not mean the joy of the moment is gone. It will signify a new event is starting!

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