Sunday, January 30, 2011

Big Catch Up Time!!

Good grief!! I had to look back at my blog to see where I left off. Gracious, this week has been busy. I hope I don't leave anything out...

Thursday, Jan.20th, Grace and I went to pick up the bouncy house for her birthday on Sunday. We rented from a friend, and she sweetly let us pick it up so the men could help unload. But no help in loading. This got sticky. Apparently my trail blazer is not quite as large as her suburban, and we ALMOST didn't get it in. In fact, I'm not sure we would have if a nice man hadn't come to help. I had to put Grace in the front, let down all the seats, but a blanket under the front side of the bouncy, and PULLLLLLL while they PUUUUUUUUUSHED! Finally! But then I couldn't see out of ANY window except the two front and windshield. Thank goodness David and Travis were available that night to help Robbie unload.

Friday was a short day at school...busy everywhere else. Vicki, Casey, and I worked on birthday decorations So cute!!!

Saturday Robbie and I went to Montgomery to shop for flooring. Can you believe it!? It's still January, and we are looking for flooring!! It just may happen this year! When we got home, Josh, Vicki, and Grace met us at the church to unroll and set up the bouncy. That turned into a pre party celebration. We had a ball...almost made not being able to move quickly Sunday morning worth it :)

Sunday was a wonderful, busy, mixed up kind of day. First we went to pick up Robert's children, but I had messed up communication and we had to regroup... flying trip back to church, Big Sister party for Kennleigh, and on to Children's Church...Robbie left to go pick kids over, run to the house for sandwiches and chips...back to church to set up the rest of the party. Whew!!! That was all BEFORE the party started!

The party was a huge success! The kids LOVED the bouncy house, Grace was so excited everyone got to come, and the food and punch were fantastic. over...pack up food...put up chairs...put up tables...let air out of bouncy...gather garbage...roll bouncy...load it in the back of Robbie's truck (yep, that was easier)...take the kids home...get a bite to eat...text from Lauren to bring them food...Church's Chicken...down to Lauren's to stand outside the garage door FREEZING...home to collapse. Wow! Double wow!!

Monday was Grace's "real" birthday-- she turned six right after nap :). Vicki sent mini cupcakes and the kids loved them. I sent my sweet boys to unload the bouncy (much easier this way). Gymnastics came later, and when I got home I learned that Robbie's Uncle Billy (his dad's brother) had died. The visitation would be Wednesday night and the funeral Thursday. Ok...make plans for the week.

Tuesday was a good day in school and gymnastics. My Tuesday team girls are just the sweetest things!! We had a great class.

Wednesday we had a scare at school. One of our students had a seizure during class. The ambulance had to come get was very scary! He is the brother of one of our little gymnasts, so I felt like he was family. Wednesday night was hard...I stayed in another room at the funeral home for the most part. At least it wasn't at Robert's funeral home...couldn't have done that yet. Funny of the night: A woman sat beside me toward the end of the night and wanted to know my name. What was my last name? Who was I married to? What was his last name? Wait!!! HIS last name?? I could NOT help the look I gave was a "Here's Your Sign" moment. We all got a good laugh out of that one.

Thursday started out innocently enough. I was taking Grace to school and delivering substitute information. On the way, I met a car, and I'm telling you I don't know what happened...SOMETHING flew up and hit the back window on my side. It shook the whole truck! Grace screamed and said I had ice on my window. I saw that the glass had shattered but was still hanging on. So I told her not to open her door at school and we would both ease out my side. Oh well...doors got opened and slammed (not her fault) and on the way home, the window slowly shifted awaaaaaaay from my truck, hung briefly in the air, and CRASHED onto the side of the truck! So here I was, by myself. I stopped, got out, and pulled as much as I could off. The insurance office had already been contacted, so I drove on home. Did I mention it was freezing Thursday morning? Cold ride home...brrr!  Robbie was his normal heroic self and simply saw about the truck and got his ready to go to the funeral. He was a pall bearer...I know that had to be hard. We had lunch at his parents with lots of people I didn't know. I did my usual fabulous job pouring just can't find a better cup fixer than me. It's my specialty :)  Then we went to the funeral. I seriously considered staying at the house, but that wasn't fair to Robbie, so I went. The service was short and sweet. The violin playing was beautiful. The message was truthful. I cried. I would cry at the funeral of a mass murderer, I think. The whole process is just so emotional for me.

Friday it was back to school for the day and then.....RIVER TIME!!!!

I had promised Robbie I would go with him to the river to get some painting and repairs done. What a GORGEOUS weekend to go! The weather was so pretty and the warmth did a lot to heal our feelings. We go so much done!! Windows are caulked, doors painted, doorknobs replaced, molding installed, cleaning done, bedskirts put on....that's just a mini list of our projects. We were busy, but we had a lot of fun. We had planned to get back for church on Sunday, but just as we were getting ready to leave, Robbie mentioned that he couldn't find his wallet. Panic in the house!!!! We searched everywhere: under beds, in the garbage, in our wallet. We finally came on in and spotted in the moment we walked in the house -- thank the Lord!!

Since we were too late for church, we cleaned up, I graded papers, Robbie fixed lunch, we washed some clothes, and I can truly say that I FEEL SO PRODUCTIVE!!! I just know this next week is going to be GREAT!!

Note to self: Don't wait so long to blog's too hard and takes too much time.

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