Monday, January 24, 2011

I Believe...


  • that God sent his Son Jesus for my sins...mine alone...if I were the only person in the world, Jesus would still have come.
  • true friendships don't die...they may stretch out and be far apart, but the souls of friends always touch.
  • in the spirit of Santa Claus.
  • generous people are happy people.
  • there are two kinds of people in this world: those who will, and those who will let you.
  • changing a roll of toilet paper will not cause dreaded disease or brain damage.
  • any job worth doing is worth doing right and to completion...taking out the garbage also means putting a new bag in the can, and washing clothes means folding and putting away.
  • babies are God's way of allowing us to see the innocence we were born with.
  • God does not get angry when we wonder WHY?
  • parents should take a more active part in their child's education...teachers cannot raise a child in 7 hours a day.
  • students perform to the level of expectation...if you don't expect them to perform well, they won't.
  • horses are the most noble and dignified of animals.
  • the internet is a good thing if used well.
  • the internet could be the downfall of society if used badly.
  • that if you want to be able to do anything better, you must do it more...and more...and more...
  • we should all be more aware of our environment.
  • that every child is God's gift to his family, and should be treated as such.
  • turbulence experienced by airplanes is due to lost faxes, emails, dropped calls, and the socks the dryer eats.
  • boys and girls are inherently different and therefore choose on their own to play with different toys.
  • chocolate should be adopted as a major food group.
  • emails and texts can't take the place of face-to-face talk or a handwritten note.
  • it is impossible to "train up a child in the way that he should go" if you don't know the way or aren't living it.
  • giving is more enjoyable than receiving.
  • lipstick is highly overrated.
  • heels are an endangerment to one's physical and mental health.
  • church should be fun and filled with joy while providing Biblical teaching.
  • when your WANTS exceed your NEEDS, you are truly blessed.
  • pets attach themselves in some way to our inner child.
  • most people do not know what they ask of others.
  • allergies are of the devil!
  • cold, wet stuff has no place on hot food.
  • God has a plan for my life, a wonderful sense of humor, and a wealth of teaching tools to use on me.

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