Friday, January 7, 2011

That's Funny!

This is just a listing of a few things that have happened these past few days (or that I just found out about) that I don't want to forget. Thank you, Lord, for the humor in my life!

Conversation between two of my students as they were studying for the semester exam:
A: Why do we have to learn the Sumerian god of cattle?
B:Because you might have to know it later on.
A: When am I ever going to have to know that?
B: Well, what if you become a farmer and somebody needs to know who the god of cattle is?
(Probably not going to have to keep up with other gods now that we are a monotheistic society.)

At the beginning of a new nine weeks before the new SYLLABUS had been given out:
Student: Hey, y'all, when is Miss Lisa gonna give us our new syphilis?
(Ummm, that would be NEVER.)

After an injury at the basketball game:
Student: Great! I sprang my ankle!
(That would be sprained, don't you think?)

When Grace didn't know anything about getting money for Christmas because it was being saved:
G: Nannie, you know what I think?
N: What, Grace?
G: You should just cut my mama off and worry about getting me some furniture for my new house!
(Papa should never have told Grace that the older kids were "cut off" from birthdays after reaching 21!)

When telling people she got a playhouse for Christmas:
Grace: I got a new house, and I been ebicted! I have to move out in the spring.
(Like her parents would EVER throw her out :)  )

On an essay about make a fishing trip a successful venture:
Student: You will want some live bait. I always use minners.
(Completely missed the -ow in minnows, didn't he?)

On the days that seem the longest, God always blesses me with something to lighten the day. Hope you enjoy!

Laughter is joy put to sound that erupts from the soul. When it crescendo's laughter touches the heart removing the heavy issues of the day.~ Michelle Willoughby

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